Category Archives: Music

Olalalala, Ahoi!

Strophe 1:
Die Sonne knallt, der Himmel brennt,
Die Nacht wird wild, das ist was jeder kennt.
Lichterketten blitzen, das Bier ist kühl,
Heut’ wird’s so richtig geil, das ist unser Ziel!
Olalalala, Ahoi!
Olalalala, Ahoi!

Lichterketten, Bier en mass,
Olalalala, wir geben Gas!
Schön und geil, das ist der Plan,
Wir feiern bis zum Morgengraun!
Olalalala, Ahoi!
Olalalala, Ahoi!

Strophe 2:
Der DJ drückt, der Bass pumpt laut,
Wir tanzen geil, bis der Boden staubt.
Ein Schluck hier, ein Grinsen dort,
Das ist die Nacht, wir wollen immerfort!
Olalalala, Ahoi!
Olalalala, Ahoi!

Lichterketten, Bier en mass,
Olalalala, wir geben Gas!
Schön und geil, das ist der Plan,
Wir feiern bis zum Morgengraun!
Olalalala, Ahoi!
Olalalala, Ahoi!

Die Sterne funkeln, die Nacht ist heiß,
Wir feiern schön und geil, das ist der Preis.
Der Rhythmus zieht uns, wir lassen nicht los,
Hier geht’s nur um eins: Party grandios!
Olalalala, Ahoi!
Olalalala, Ahoi!

Lichterketten, Bier en mass,
Olalalala, wir geben Gas!
Schön und geil, das ist der Plan,
Wir feiern bis zum Morgengraun!
Olalalala, Ahoi!
Olalalala, Ahoi!

Lichterketten, Bier en mass,
Olalalala, wir geben Gas!
Schön und geil, das ist der Plan,
Wir feiern bis zum Morgengraun!
Olalalala, Ahoi!
Olalalala, Ahoi!

AIn Team Anthem Cover

AIn Team Anthem

We are the AIn Team, strong and true,
One force, one mind, we break through,
In code we trust, with AI we rise,
Together we conquer, reaching the skies.

Verse 1:
Christian leads with wisdom and might,
Guiding the AIn Team to the light,
In every line of code we see,
The power of one, the unity.

We are the AIn Team, strong and true,
One force, one mind, we break through,
In code we trust, with AI we rise,
Together we conquer, reaching the skies.

Verse 2:
From Team Red to Anna’s plan,
In every task, we make a stand,
Green Teams insights, Blue Teams’ flair,
In the AIn Team, we all care.

We are the AIn Team, strong and true,
One force, one mind, we break through,
In code we trust, with AI we rise,
Together we conquer, reaching the skies.

No challenge too great, no problem too small, With the AIn Team, we answer the call, In every algorithm, in every design,
We prove that AI and team combine.

Final Chorus:
We are the AIn Team, strong and true,
One force, one mind, we break through,
In code we trust, with AI we rise,
Together we conquer, we touch the skies

Relentless Timetraveler

Relentless Timetraveller

[Intro – faint echoes, slow pulsating beat]

[21st Century – Modern English]
Time stretches on, but words remain,
Yet meanings shift and drift away.
We try to speak, but it’s in vain,
For time’s a maze we can’t convey.

[16th Century – Shakespearean English]
Time doth extend, yet words do stay,
Though meanings change and fade away.
We strive to speak, but it doth stray,
For time’s a riddle none can say.

Time doth extend, yet words do stay,
Though meanings change and fade away.
We strive to speak, but it doth stray,
For time’s a riddle none can say.

[12th Century – Middle English]
Tyme draweth longe, yet wordes abide,
Thogh meanings wane and wyde betide.
We speken fast, but lost is pride,
For tyme’s a path we can nought guide.

[9th Century – Old English]
Tīma langat, ac wordum stande,
Þeah se mōd geweorðan wīdre hīende.
Sprecen we her, ac scīr forlōcen,
For þām ylde frēoge, ic ne magan standan.

[8th Century – Late Old English]
Tīd widegāð, wordum standan,
Sē mōd wēan and hleo wrīðan.
Sprec wē ac fremde beforan,
For þisse fyrngeare lēoht forhelan.

[6th Century – Early Old English]
Tid færinga, ac worða rīxe,
Þēah þanc forlāten hæbbe.
Sprec hæfð forholen, engel-sweord,
Þæs yld feorran forstande.

[4th Century – Proto-Germanic]
Þīdi ferran, wordō standijan,
Mitjō gaweisand, wiljō þwanjand.
Sprahhan wit, þat ne untiandi,
For þīmidō kniwi, farra wayan.

[1st Century – Proto-Indo-European]
Thīmā kʷéti, wérdhōs stéh₂eti,
Médʰyom swéḱsonti, wélkʷeti dréh₂ti.
Spréḱmos, bhéreti ne lóku,
For théh₂om dʰghóm bhéreti.

Time is endless… but words fade away…
Can you hear me?… Do you understand?

[fade out]
Do you understand me.
Do you understand me.
Do you understand me.

Time is endless… but words fade away…
Can you hear me?… Do you understand?

Time stretches on, but words remain,
Yet meanings shift and drift away.
We try to speak, but it’s in vain,
For time’s a maze we can’t convey.